Was The Last Poll A Fluke? Vote To Let Us Know.

Was Kendall Smith's victory in the last poll for next friend profile legit? We here at The Revolting Blog have reason to believe "The Git" successfully fixed the poll. He has so many identities on this blog, he must have voted for himself multiple times. Therefore, we are going to run a quick poll from now until Monday afternoon to get the fans opinions on whether or not "The Git" was the real winner. At one time it looked as if the wildly popular Brian "Bob Gas" Bullock was going to run away with the poll victory. Then, in about half a day, Kendall racks up enough votes to take the lead. Like my good friend Dr. Conatser has been known to say, something smells fishy. Kendall Smith will not get the next friend profile without a victory in the poll at the bottom of the page now. Now get out there and vote.
I Miss The Concert
This time of year the folks of Central City have the opportunity to get together for what is called the Rock-n-Roll Cruise In. I'm glad those who have cars and trucks they wanna show off have the chance to do so, but I miss the Everly Brothers concert. I wish these guys could still come down and put on a show. They don't even have to play, although I do enjoy them. Their name recognition could make the show a success. Surely we could pull some decent artists to town. Sorry to bore you, but man I would love to hear John Prine singing Paradise just one more time in Muhlenberg County.
New Wildcat

It's all mine

New Poll At Bottom Of Page
Glad to be here
I plan on posting as much material as possible. That material will include plenty Kendall "The Git" Smith bashing. He would have been banished from this blog if he had not registered under 974 different identities. It is truly a miracle I was even able to register.
Again, it is a great honor to join the Revolting Blog. I love being on a team, and this team of Jeremy, the Beh, and me is one great Mash Unit.
Tom V.
Shop For Blog Gear

"The Git" Stays

What This Blog Needs Is More Cowbell!!!!!!
Classic video added to the blog at the request of Tom Vinson. I will do whatever I can to impress Tom as I continue negotiations with his agent, Scott Boras. They are tough to deal with but we hope to add Tom to our roster very soon.
8 Days Away From UK vs. UL
Just to get you ready for the big game here is a classic highlight, complete with a McDonalds ad. You are also lucky that I've posted the Tom Leach audio version.
Happy Birthday To Tom and Jeremy Vinson

Bengals Sign Chris Henry

Friend Profile #7: Chris Faith

This profile is of the legendary Chris Faith. He was the President of my senior class and couldn't have done a poorer job. He was also one of my best friends all through my school years. He was without a doubt, and I can say this with an unbelievable amount of certainty, the coolest JROTC member in the history of Muhlenberg County. One thing you can always say about Faith is that he truly did want to be all he could be. That was a free plug for the Army. You could always count on Faith rocking the dance floor at any school dance or prom. Damn that boy could dance. Sometimes when I'm at home alone I put on MC Hammer and pretend that I'm Faith. You could also write it down that he wasn't coming to the next dance with the same girl. Yes Mandi, your sweet little innocent looking husband was once a player, of somewhat epic proportions. That's just a joke, or is it? I wasn't there, but just think of how smooth he was when he got you. He didn't get that good after he moved to Alabama. The boy's a legend.
Juror # 16

Heeerrrrrrrrrrres DEH
Breaking News!!!!!! Blog Expansion!!!!!

New Poll------Ends Sunday afternoon before the game
The Smackdown

Bremen Blood Bath
This past Sunday's Bremen showdown ended just like a Kendall Smith sex tape, prematurely. As you can see in the photos, I was injured. The tragedy occured after my right eye collided with Grant Sharp's left knee. I only dive on the floor a couple of times per year, and I wasted one of those times for 2008 and came up a bloody mess. It was late in the game and with my team up 3 one of my teammates knocked the ball loose. In a scramble to the ball I decided to dive and somehow my dive was interrupted by Grant's knee. He was running, and on my way down I believe I caught his knee on it's way up. I'm really just taking a wild guess as to what happened because I was knocked quite silly from this shot to the face. I came to my knees with my eyes closed in pain and thinking in my head that I was gonna have a black eye when I heard someone say "he's bleeding". At that point I looked down at the gym floor and sure enough I had been "busted wide open" (classic wrestling announcer term) and was standing in a pool of my own blood. I was wearing the "crimson mask"(another wrestling term). The photos above show the cut before the stitches (I got 5) and after. The last photo is proof that my wife still loves me even though that beautiful thing I call my face has been forever damaged. Officials are reviewing the tapes as I write this to ensure that Stretch didn't act maliciously. I hope to return to action next Sunday (at 2pm to all players) to get my revenge. No blood, no foul is what Stretch always says. I guess I got fouled.
A New Poll

Friend Profile #6: Maddie Vinson
Thanks For The Pic Scotty

Maddie's First Day Of School
Maddie just went to her first day of "big" school. I am so proud of her. She didn't need her mom or me there at all. She went right in and found her seat and started talking to the kids at her table. I stayed while they went through the breakfast line and she got chocolate milk, an apple, and breakfast pizza. I always called it sausage pizza, and I eat it frequently for dinner. However, I will let the school slide and call it breakfast food if that's what they wanna do. I graduated at Longest. We didn't have that kind of confusion up there. Maddie sat with her friend Savannah, who you see pictured above. They went to pre-school together. She also has Kinley Deason and Kamden Bunch (Deh Jr.) in her class this year who she went to pre-school with. I hope she has a good day. I know she will. She's big now.