Juror # 16

On Tuesday I had jury duty, and I was selected along with Scott Boggess.It was pretty neat to be a part of sending a person to prison for 20 years. But you will not believe how it ended. Let me start out at the beginning.The Defendant was charged with possession of rock cocaine and a pipe to smoke it. I thought it was a cut and dry case but it took 4 hours to convince all 12 members of the jury.But after the judge read the verdict we had to decide on how many years he would receive. It took another 2 hours to decide on the sentence of 20 years with possible parole after 12years. But this is where it gets good. When the judge read the sentence, the defendant jump up and ran at the jury. The bailiff tried to taser him but he missed. So me and Boggess jumped up and tackled him until the bailiff could taser him. The judge told Boggess and I we will receive a Medal of Honor from the Governor next week in Frankfort.I will take some pics and post them.