I'm Trying


More Funny Pictures

1998 NCAA Champs

This is the cover from the 1998 NCAA Champion Kentucky Wildcats SI story. The second pic is just a classic from the Duke game in the Elite Eight. We named this move "the rings of Magloire". I'll never forget Billy Packer screaming "What is Magloire doing?". My friends and I celebrated in Blake's basement at the hilarious sight of Wojo writhing in fake pain as Magloire tried to act like it was all a big accident. They both deserved Oscars for the whole scene. I think Magloire really wanted to tie him up a little bit, but if you can remember or could watch it again you can also realize that Wojo played it up as much as possible and that little piss ant wasn't hurt a bit. That back bend he's doing in the picture was of his own creation.
Now on to the championship story. In 1996 Blake's parents bought a new tv for their living room just in time for the NCAA tourney. We watched all the games on this new tv and the Cats brought home the big hardware for the first time in 18 years. In 1997 we continued this NCAA tourney tradition by watching all the games at the Phillips house once again. However, I was able to land a couple of tickets to the championship game where Tom and I witnessed live the finals loss to Arizona. I have always blamed myself for the Cats not winning it all in '97. In 1998 I vowed to watch all the games at the home of Danny and Jackie Phillips no matter what. When Jackie decided to purchase a 60 inch big screen for their basement at tournament time I knew things were looking good for UK and their new coach Tubby Smith. We didn't miss a tournament game and sure enough Tubby and the Comeback Cats cut down the nets in San Antonio. This brought the Cats to an amazing record of 17-0 in a three year span of NCAA tournament games I watched in the Phillips house. If only I had been there for that 1997 final. In 1999 I had landed a real job and was working 2nd shift at Muhlenberg Community Hospital and there was no possible way that I could watch every game there. So, the streak came to an end. It was however one of the greatest and most memorable 3 year runs in the storied history of UK's basketball program. It was also the greatest and most memorable 3 year run in my history as a fan. Big Blue Madness tickets will be available Saturday morning. I'm pumped for another season.
Chosen One

Will The Real Dr. Evil and Mini Me Please Stand Up?

These are some pics I found on the Inside The Ville message board. They have a few pages of photoshopped material, most of it derogatory towards UK. They are very funny though. I have saved several and will give them to you in small doses over the next couple of days. Enjoy these for now. I love the Austin Powers movies so these were some of my favorites. Happy Thursday!!!!!!
Today's Magazine Cover

I must follow up the bad UK cover from SI with a great one. All die hard fans can tell you where they were when the Cats finally won it all again in 1996. It had been 18 years since the last title. It's been a while now. Hopefully Billy G can bring us a title soon. If he does, I bet this blog shows the SI cover (safe bet). Please share your 1996 NCAA title story in the comments section. I was at Blake's house. We had watched each tournament game at Blake's on their new tv. We actually started watching the first half of the title game at Maholli's house, but felt guilty and the first time Syracuse made a run we ran to Blake's and the game finished in our favor. I can't remember everybody who was there but I can remember these: Blake, JV, Fatty, Maholli, Jackie Phillips, JP, and Mike Spilla (the coward who won't email me pics for his profile). As soon as the horn sounded we headed to Lexington for the celebration. The team arrived the following night to a packed Rupp Arena. They came directly from the airport to Rupp and raised the banner. It was probably one of my top 5 all time live events that I have been able to attend. Spilla cried when "Toine" was raising the banner and Queen's "We Are The Champions" was blaring on the Rupp sound system. Blake taunted Alan Cutler, and all was good in Cat Country.

When I was just a little husky Deh in the mid 80's ,I can remember watching these two guys Lance Russel and Dave Brown. Every Saturday afternoon I couldn't wait to see "The King", and the Moondogs, Tojo Yamamoto, The Midnight Rockers, Dirty Dutch Mantel, Bill Dundee, Koko b. Ware, and the best for last The Nasty Boys. Those where the best wrestling memories I have. I will share a famous "Nasty Boys" story later this week.
Classic Scans

I have a big tub full of old magazines and newspapers that I opened up today. I have so many classic covers and pics to share that I couldn't decide which one to share first. So, as I pulled my hair out trying to decide between several favorites, it hit me that maybe I should just start with the one I hate. So there you have it, Kentucky's Shame. From 1989, a Sports Illustrated cover for the story of UK's probation. I will try to scan a new cover or picture from the "tub of sports nostalgia" at least every couple of days. This tub should give me material for the next 4 years of blogging. I know you girls will love it. That's all for now.
Memories From The Squared Circle

I always thought that my friends and I could have made a great wrestling faction. We had all the moves and great charisma. These classic photos taken at the Owensboro Sportscenter show just what naturals Tom and Bullock are in the ring. Don't they look right at home? We had the luxury of meeting Jerry "The King" Lawler on this great night and later got permission to take a few pics in the ring. For some reason I was the photographer. Brian had the great idea of taking the king hat which helped us get Jerry's attention. I could tell wrestling stories all day, but this is the only trip I could find pictures from. I have an old Hooter's menu with The Rock's autograph on it. That was a great night as well. There are also a few other signatures on that great menu. I think I will scan it and do a post about that story later this week. Have a good Tuesday.
Daily Advice From Deh Beh
Some daily advice from the Deh. "If you're riding a bicycle down a hill, turn your head before you spit,"
The Future
Hello Revolting Blog Nation.
I often stop and think about what is going to happen in the future. Here are some random items that I think may come true.
-Maddie Vinson wins gold for the 2024 USA women's soccer team.
-Dawson Guffy seeks presidency in 2050 election.
-Boner Bunch is the starting offensive lineman on an NFL team. I mean, really, can't you hear John Madden talking about how much he loves the name Boner Bunch.
-Kendall "The Git" Smith takes his grocery store running profession to Lexington, KY where he falls into legal trouble. I can see the headlines in the Herald-Leader now, "Local man vomits on UK coach Billy Gillispie after Cats win title." Smith is arrested for assault after trying profusely to clean the coach up.
-Kendall also decides to shave his goatee only to set a Guiness World Record by having it grow back before actually finishing the rest of his face.
-Cole "Trickle" Vincent, Clay's son, wins the 2023 Daytona 500.
-Abe Walker gets voted most honest man on the planet.
-Grant Sharp gets the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Bob Knight Award for 2008 and beyond. This award goes to the coach who displays sideline antics that rival that of the General.
-The Deh Beh actually misses a three at Bremen Gym in 2027.
-Joe Smith, father of Maholi, enters the UFC
-Maholi and the Git are welcomed back to Tennessee Pride for one last baking of biscuits.
-Shane Hardison begins to think he is actually Gill Grissom of CSI.
-Did I mention Guffy for president 2050? Get your sign today.
I often stop and think about what is going to happen in the future. Here are some random items that I think may come true.
-Maddie Vinson wins gold for the 2024 USA women's soccer team.
-Dawson Guffy seeks presidency in 2050 election.
-Boner Bunch is the starting offensive lineman on an NFL team. I mean, really, can't you hear John Madden talking about how much he loves the name Boner Bunch.
-Kendall "The Git" Smith takes his grocery store running profession to Lexington, KY where he falls into legal trouble. I can see the headlines in the Herald-Leader now, "Local man vomits on UK coach Billy Gillispie after Cats win title." Smith is arrested for assault after trying profusely to clean the coach up.
-Kendall also decides to shave his goatee only to set a Guiness World Record by having it grow back before actually finishing the rest of his face.
-Cole "Trickle" Vincent, Clay's son, wins the 2023 Daytona 500.
-Abe Walker gets voted most honest man on the planet.
-Grant Sharp gets the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Bob Knight Award for 2008 and beyond. This award goes to the coach who displays sideline antics that rival that of the General.
-The Deh Beh actually misses a three at Bremen Gym in 2027.
-Joe Smith, father of Maholi, enters the UFC
-Maholi and the Git are welcomed back to Tennessee Pride for one last baking of biscuits.
-Shane Hardison begins to think he is actually Gill Grissom of CSI.
-Did I mention Guffy for president 2050? Get your sign today.
Top Ten Bathroom Hijinks
Now, I have not done all these things, but just the thought of doing them makes me laugh. I hope it has the same effect on you. A few ground rules first. Only do this to guys you're pretty sure you can either out-run or beat up. Also be aware that you might inadvertently get a gay lover out of some of these, so if that's not your bag (and it isn't TNO's bag) please be careful.Here's my Top Ten Public Bathroom Hijinks:Number 10: When there's only 1 guy standing at a urinal, go and stand at the urinal right next to him. This violates one of the most basic rules of men's room etiquette and will freak the hell out of him.Number 9: If he stays the course and doesn't immediately bail, then engage him in conversation. This is also a major rules violation and should make him extremely uncomfortable.Number 8: Let him "catch" you trying to sneak a peek at his jimmy.Number 7: If you are done at the urinal, and someone is still standing at a urinal, walk behind him, grab his shoulders and give him a good shake, and then run away. He probably won't come after you, because his tally-whacker is hanging out and he just got piss all over his hands and pants.Number 6: When walking into a bathroom and there are other men washing their hands, reach pass them and put a squirt of hand lotion (if available) or soap into your hand and then proceed into the stall. At the very least it'll give them something to talk about for months to come. (Note: Don't actually use the soap as a lubricant - it stings.).Number 5: When sitting in a stall, prop the door open and then greet the other men as they come and go from the bathroom. Here are a few comments to get the conversation rolling: "Hey, whatcha do'n? Peeing?" "Good stance." "You're doing well." "Hmmmm that looks pretty dark, maybe you should go see a doctor." "I bet you can pee around corners with that left hook your sport'n."Number 4: Take a Hershey chocolate bar with almonds into the stall. Wait until someone occupies the stall next to you. Rub the chocolate all over your hand. Feign irritation and say, "Damn it. Hey buddy, can you pass me some toilet paper." Then reach under his stall with your "Poopy" hand. I tell ya, that'll get'em every time.Number 3: If the bathroom has one of those signs on the door when you exit that says "PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS", with the chocolate still on your hands, spell the word "OK" in "poop" under their sign.Number 2: Throwing a wad of paper towels that you have gotten all wet at the wall or ceiling above someone in the stall is always good for a laugh. First it scares the crap out of them (literally) and then it gets them all wet. Yuck-yuck-yuck.Number 1: Upon exiting the restroom, open the door back up and in your best girly voice with a Hispaniard accent say, "Janitor." Then pretend you don't hear them saying "Just a minute" and say "Janitor" one more time, again ignoring their more insistent replies of "Just a minute". Then prop open the door or both doors if the case may be. It'll get many of them out of the stall prematurely, thus giving them a scent of poop all day long.Just what exactly is wrong with me? Am I the only one that thinks this would be funny to do or see? What would you say if you went to wash your hands and there are almonds in the sink?I'm sure I don't know.Well that's all I have for today.
It has been a long week for me.I would like to say I'm sorry for not posting, but I have been in Texas helping with the clean up from hurricane Ike. Above is a picture I took when I got there last Friday. It was an unreal experience.So that's why I have not posted. I hope you can forgive me and I will do better.While I was in Texas I helped do a little of everything from stuffing sand bags to driving a rescue boat.I will post some more pics later.
Could It Be True? Is The End Really Near?

Maybe the Disgruntled Revolting Blog Supporter is right. Maybe the end is near. I will readily admit that it didn't take me long to stop wanting to make daily posts on the blog. It's kind of a burden, however when so many friends and family say that they enjoy reading it, it's also fun. I recognized that my blog posting was going down the crapper so I went out and hired 2 new blog writers to join me. My thinking was if we had 3 guys writing there would constantly be something on the blog for folks to read and laugh at. I was wrong. Bunch started out with a bang, but he has slowed down. Tom only has internet access at the car lot, so he can only spend a limited amount of time blogging. Then that leaves me. I hired these 2 goons and apparently assumed that meant I could make a post about once every 10 days and the blog fans would still love me. I now realize I have not reached blog superstardom yet. So I challenge Bunch and Tom to become more active blog posters. I am challenging myself as well. I don't want this Disgruntled Revolting Blog Supporter to be right. I want to get back to the days of making fun of Kendall's disgruntled athletic supporter. I want the blog to be full of good times and laughter and making fun of Louisville and Maholli and Duke and "The Git". I want more polls with lots of voters. I want the blog fans to all band together to come up with a plan to make the Deh Beh late for lunch. Just once. I want more friend profiles. I have many friends who have yet to receive one. <(i also have a friend, Michael Miller, who won't send me pics to do his.)> I want UK football and basketball reports. What I really want the most is for this blog to not go a week without one of us posting something. Power out or power on, we have to do better. Have a nice weekend.
Bremen Soccer
The Bremen Soccer season is underway. Maddie is on the Red team once again. Some of the kids from last year are not on the Red team this year. Maddie and the Huff kids (Gavin and Alex) are still on there, but Boner has been banished. Maddie has come out a new player this year and is scoring often. She has 6 goals in the first 4 games. Gavin, as usual, is having no problem scoring and smiling. Alex is pretty much disinterested. The only time I have watched Boner he had a good game. Maddie got one past him when he was goalie, but he also stopped her a couple of times. My nephew, Dawson Guffy, is also playing this year. He is the typical 4 year old player. Sometimes he goes after the ball. Sometimes he just runs around. He wanted to kick the ball to Maddie when they played against each other. I will have more pictures later, haven't got too many good ones yet this year. Deh Beh will have to contribute a pic of Boner.
Top Cats 5-10

10- Skip Mcgaw (basketball #25) 9- Derek Abney (football) 8- Ashley Judd (Actress) 7-Jeff Sheppard (basketball) 6- Tubby Smith (basketball) 5- Rick Pitino (basketball) Those are 5-10 and if I had an 11 it would have been Ricky Skaggs that has seats behind V and Blake.
TCM Stroke Recovery Documentary - Devin Dearth
Here is a new video about the Devin Dearth documentary movie. For those who don't know, Devin is a friend who we go to church with who suffered a stroke. His insurance quit paying for his therapy here in the U.S. so his brother set him up with a hospital in China that specializes in using traditional Chinese medicine to treat stroke victims. His brother is also a film maker and is preparing a documentary of Devin's progress. This video is a trailer for that film. Devin is home now. Before he went to China (unable to walk, confined to a wheelchair), he said the next time he came to church he was gonna walk through the front door. Guess what he did 2 weeks ago? Please keep the Dearth family in your prayers.
Top 10
Top Ten Ways John McCain Can Appear More Youthful
Top Ten
10. Campaign in a batsuit
9. Instead of Lincoln, pepper speech with quotes from Broday Jenner
8. Get his Miracle Ear pierced
7. Stop yelling at reporters to get off his lawn
6. Play breakdancing vice principal in "High School Musical 3"
5. Take a page from Jason Giambi and grow a cool moustache
4. Wrestle a gator
3. Change name of "Straight Talk Express" to "J-Dawg's Booty Wagon"
2. Stop promising a Packard in every garage and a goose in every icebox
1. Never hurts to nail a few interns
Top Ten
10. Campaign in a batsuit
9. Instead of Lincoln, pepper speech with quotes from Broday Jenner
8. Get his Miracle Ear pierced
7. Stop yelling at reporters to get off his lawn
6. Play breakdancing vice principal in "High School Musical 3"
5. Take a page from Jason Giambi and grow a cool moustache
4. Wrestle a gator
3. Change name of "Straight Talk Express" to "J-Dawg's Booty Wagon"
2. Stop promising a Packard in every garage and a goose in every icebox
1. Never hurts to nail a few interns
New Poll At Bottom Of Page

Hope this picture of the class that was supposed to get Tubby back to the Final Four inspires you to vote in the latest poll. It is truly a travesty that Brian Bullock has to once again fight to win a profile. Can he dominate once again, this time without having to go up against a cheater who just won't quit until he gets his way? Will "The Git" fix the poll in someone elses favor this time? Who would he even have loyalty to? These questions and others can hopefully be answered in the coming days. Vote, Vote, Vote!!!!!!
The Cheater Wins......Friend Profile #8: Kendall "The Git" Smith

Even though it is widely known that he rigged the poll for the next profile, I have elected to give "The Git" his profile anyway. Longtime blog readers will recall a few months back I gave a decent profile of this cheater when he was coming to stay with me for a weekend. At that time he hadn't been to Muhlenberg County in years. Now I see him more than I see my wife. Every time I turn around I see that classic Git. Play ball at Bremen, who shows up?--Git. Watch the UK vs. UL football game at Ho's--Git. Take my kid to the county fair--Git. Go to Shogun's for my birthday--Git. Purple Onion--Git. Olivia Newton John concert--Git. Bernadette Locke basketball camp--Git. 2008 Midget of the Year banquet dinner--Git, and Clint Allen. You get the picture. I see this cheeser in my sleep. I used to dream about good things: UK winning it all, me winning the lotto jackpot, Jordan in lingerie, you know, normal stuff. Now I can't get this cheating, cheesing Git out of my head. The next time I see him in person, I'm gonna personally deliver him to Barry Vincent's doorstep. I heard that Barry would love to see him.
The real truth is that Kendall is one of my best friends. If I didn't like him, I would've let the Deh Beh squash him years ago, and make no mistake, the Deh Beh could do it. Kendall lives in New Johnsonville, Tn. They closed down the old one hoping he would leave. Ok, I'll quit. He has 2 young boys, Noah and Will. As the earlier post indicated, I call these boys Joakim Noah and The Fresh Prince. Basketball fans and Will Smith fans (the actor, not the kid) will get that. Nobody is quite sure what Kendall does for a living. I know at one time he worked at a biscuit factory. Now I think he's a farmhand for Kris Maddox. He specializes in blog posting and identity theft. He can grow obscene amounts of facial hair. The only kind of tires he will buy are All Seasons. He once had a legendary Pontiac Sunbird. The horn would go off continuously when the Cats lost. As told in the earlier post, he almost puked on former Cat Mark Pope, and he pooped up his high school basketball uniform after an unfortunate loss in a bout with diarrhea. They used to call him "Sky". Now he's just "The Git".
Something I made up about "The Git": Could I really make anything up that's better than the truth? I would like for the blog readers to make something up about Kendall and post it in the comments. Don't hold back, he's good at taking a taunt.
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