My Daugher Is Growing (and my wife is shrinking)

Just some pics to show everybody how much my youngest one has grown in her 8 weeks here on Earth. She has really changed. Also, Jordan has lost something like 40 lbs. but you can't convince her that she looks any better. She wants to look like Lionel Richie's daughter. I can't remember her name. I'm just joking. I can remember her name. It's Nicole. Also, Jordan is pleased with her progress. She just wishes she could lose weight faster. I just wish I could get on that 40 lbs. in 8 weeks program. I know you're with me on that Deh Beh. If you were here I would kick you in the nuts, only because you requested it. We have been going to the CCCC at least 5 days per week. We try for 6 but it's hard with an infant, plus a 6 year old who has soccer games and what not. I really enjoy the new facility. Jordan and I love going together because it keeps us from being lazy. She told me the other day that going with me has helped her so much because I'm so motivated (her words, not mine) that she doesn't want to let me down. She goes sometimes when she would otherwise stay home and convince herself she is too tired. What she doesn't realize is that I could say the same thing to her. I am somewhat motivated to get into better shape, but it really does help to have a partner to push you. I am glad that we are able to go together and motivate each other. Thanks to the Nanas for watching the kids so we can get our exercise on.

Just a day or 2 old in this one. The rest are from the past week or so.