Time for rant on our wonderful government and their willingness to dip as far in our pockets as possible. They don't even care if they have play a little pocket pool to get what they want.
Ladies and gentlemen, take it from Faith, global warming is nothing more than a myth that many, many people are cashing in on. It was recently discovered that a influential climate change scientist altered information in studies on global warming to ensure that his government sponsorship checks would keep coming in. Apparently, there were e-mails found in his computer that have proven to be very detrimental to the global warming conspiracy that the media is now calling Climategate. I personally have never bought into the theory that we cause global climate change. I do believe that climate change exists. It has all throughout time on earth and will continue to as long as the sun stays in our solar system. Once it was proved that Earth has went thru an 8 year cooling cycle as apposed to warming, the phrase "global warming" was conveniently changed to "extreme climate change". Global warming was nothing more than money making venture for Al Gore and the UN. Turns out that Obama has taken another step in the direction of crippling the U.S. economy by moving towards a global currency and economy and getting rid of the dollar under the ruse to use this global currency to fight climate change globally. This will ruin the U.S. as we know it. Along with the ridiculous health care proposal and he and Bush's wonderful idea for stimulus packages which were made up of loans from communist China, we are headed down a dangerous road.
They tell us now that carbon dioxide is poisonous and killing the planet. If this is true, then oxygen is poisonous and killing the planet as well. Without carbon-dioxide, there is no oxygen. I think we learned that in elementary school science. But no worries, you put out as much carbon as you want. All you have to do is pay the government, Al Goober and the rest of the profiteers extra to create that pollution. Thats like telling Tiger Woods that he is the worst person on earth for having 13 or more affairs on his wife but all will be forgiven if he pays taxes on all the affairs. It's like telling Maholli that he's a traitor for loving the Cardinals but The Revolting Blog will allow him to be a blogger again if pays his 6 figure contract back. It's like telling Deh Beh that 3 pointers will no longer be allowed at Bremen unless he pays for each one he makes. It's like telling JV how wrong it is to marry a much younger woman but all will be forgotten if pays a certain amount for their age difference. I think you get the point.
If you are reading this and disagree, prove me wrong. There are more scientists that disagree with theory of man-made global warming than ones that agree with it. All the ones that agree are profiting from it. All the ones that do not agree are never heard from on a big stage because they are threatened with their lives and their families lives. Not to mention the news outlets don't interview them because they can't advance their agenda by hearing both sides. That is a fact. Don't buy into the hype . Don't get me wrong, I think we all have a responsibility to take care of the environment but we cannot change naturally occurring events. The whole point of this rant is to vent my disgust for politicians reaching in our pockets for more things we can't control. I think we're taxed enough, don't you. Sorry if I bored you. I just watched a show on cap and trade and increased tax proposals to help fight global climate change and I'm pi$$ed!!!