These two have been friends of mine for a long while, and since I know they are some of the Revolting Blog's biggest fans, it's only right that I give them their own profile. They have made the cut, even though the original plan was to profile all of my guy friends, with my wife and daughter thrown in the mix (Maddie will be up next). That's what bragging about the blog's greatness will get you. These young ladies have been friends of each other since they were little tikes running around CC Elementary. Then they grew up and became involuntary chaperones for me and my buddies in high school. They kept us in line almost all the time. There were a few instances where we may have gotten slightly out of control, but these girls deserve a lot of credit. The bad part is that we guys have grown up and gotten older and wiser, and now they don't have a chance.
Misty is married to Kris Maddox and they have 2 sons and 67 dogs and cats. They live in Bremen, which means they are under the rule of Scott Bunch, the King of Bremen. She works at Deason Signs, the family business. Her boys are Lane and Karson. Her dogs are Snoop, Scooby, Spot, The Bounty Hunter, and many others, too many to name. A few of her cats names are Ramel, Joe, Mark Coury, Billy G, Ricky Pinto (misspelled on purpose), and Lovell Kevin. Jenny lives in Central City with her legendary husband Scotty 2 Hottie. They have 2 children, Kennedy (not Mr.) and Kamden (aka Boner). By marrying Scott, Jenny became the Queen of Bremen by default. I'm wondering if this is why she married him. Nah, it was obviously the stunning good looks and endless charm. She works as a drug dealer for Clinic Pharmacy in Central City. She is best known for putting a hit out on Ron Poole (that's a joke). She is actually a Pharmacy Tech, and a damn good one. Please wish her luck when you see her. Trying to live with Scott and that little boner is bound to be tough.
Something I made up about Misty and Jenny: By using her connections in the sign business, Misty was able to get her and Jenny small parts in the remake of Tesla's famous "Signs" video. Also, by using her royal connections as Queen of Bremen, Jenny was able to secure Kendall a date with Elton John.