New Blogger Starts Out With A Josh Vincent. I Mean A Bang!!!!!!

Late Monday evening I received the text message I've been waiting for. Chris Faith's agent let me know that he had agreed to the Revolting Blog's contract offer. It is my hope that the outrageous amount of money we're paying him will be well worth it. If nothing else, he will be bringing the blog instant National Championship mojo with his love for the Alabama Crimson Tide football program. Hopefully that will carry over to the basketball Cats. I just can't imagine the son of Billy Faith being anything but a top notch blogger, Crimson Tide love or not. I can vouch for his Bama football love. We hung out last year, on the day of Blake and Sara's wedding, and watched the UK/Bama game in a hotel room in Evansville, Indiana. Hortney Maddox was staying at the same hotel, so you know it was a special day. Faith wore a Bama jersey and possessed knowledge of each player like some of us do with the basketball Cats. He also taunted me to the point that I cursed the blueby. That's something I later regretted. There aren't many cars that can go into the Hall of Fame, but Faith's blueby is definitely one. It's mentioned in history with such greats as Stew's Ci, my Celeb, Clay's Razor, Sizzler's Tracker, Bunch's Sentra, Miller's Lumina, Fatty's Cavi, Ho's 007 (double 0 selven), Git's Sunbird, Victor's Limo, and Bullock's Shadow. Faith will bring a lot to the blog, and I promise to eventually get a video to post of his now legendary Bernie Lomax impression. His first post is directly below this one, and it instantly stands out as being better than anything Maholli ever put on this blog. Enjoy Nick Saban's adopted son, who once tried to convince the world that his middle name was Bennett.