Fulfilling Boot's request

Since Boot was kind enough to welcome me to the Revolting Blog, I will now fulfill her request with a little about the family. I have some random thoughts while posting so don't be surprised if random statements are made. I was just thinking how uncanny JV's memory is. That whole middle name thing is a true story but it happened nearly nineteen years ago. I liked the middle name "Bennett" better than my given middle name, "Shannon". I liked it so much, we named our first born Cole Bennett Faith. I didn't just come up with name. It also happens to be my Grandfather's middle name who will from now on be referred to as Gramps. Gramps is one my all time hero's followed closely by JV, Michael Jordan, Bernie Lomax and Brother Walter. Bob Gas may be the only one that gets Brother Walter. It's also been a while since I've thought about Pluck and Bang and the Trooper II.

Anyway, back to the fam. My wife's name is Mandi. She is originally from Huntsville, AL so she's to blame for me being here. She is a school teacher at the school directly across the street from where we live. We met in my short stint as a restaurant manager in Tuscaloosa where she was a waitress that had affairs with me, Tiger Woods, A. Rod and others not to be mentioned at this time. We hit it off quickly and as soon as I convinced her to dump her loser boyfriend, we became a couple and have lived happily ever after so far. She's a great girl and I plan on staying with her until she takes lessons from JV on cradle robbing and decides to move on to a 1985 model.

My son is Cole "Slaw" Faith. He shares my love for Kentucky Basketball and Alabama Football. He's active in baseball and basketball. I haven't let him play football yet due to his size. He wants to, but we haven't let him yet. We had a basketball game tonight and he fouled out in a quarter and half of play. Although he's one of the smaller boys on the court, he wants to make his presence known. He's in the 3rd grade and just turned 9 on Dec. 5th. He makes A's and B's in school and will continue to or I will hurt him. Funny how grades meant very little to me as a student but now they mean very much to me as a parent. He's a good boy and I'm very proud of him. If he could figure out a way to get along better with his sister and earn enough money that I would never have to work again, I would be even more proud.

My daughter is Abigail Rae Faith. I need some help coming up with a clever nickname for her so leave suggestions in the comments if you want. She is 5 years old and attending kindergarten at the same school as Cole and Mandi. She will no doubt be the death of me or the first boy she introduces to me. Hopefully, I'll be able to read this blog from prison. She is very witty and totally the opposite of Cole. Cole cares about everything he does and tries his hardest at whatever he does. Abby could give 2 craps about most anything that doesn't have to do with makeup, iCarly, or gymnastics. I mentioned her wit which is very odd because I myself am not at all witty. She reminds me of JV with the randomness of some of the things she says and does. So JV, where were you about nine months prior to Aug. 18th 2004? Anyway, Abby loves soccer, cheerleading, gymnastics and is presently trying out basketball. She likes it but tends to play hands up defense no matter what is happening in the game.

As for me, I'm still pretty much the same guy I was when I lived there. I work at a body shop Monday thru Friday and coach my kids sports teams on the weekends and go to church on Sunday. That's it for now. My next rant will either be on my loathing of Barack Obama or more Tide football news.