The Crimson Tide Nation joins the Revolting Blog

Julio Jones
Heisman Trophy Candidate Mark Ingram
Bama Quarterback Greg McElroy
I didn't add the "girl" to this picture. It was there when i downloaded it.

Hello Revolting Blog. This Is Chris Faith. I figured it was about time to grow up start blogging like my idol, JV. For those of you who don't know me, your not missing much. I grew up in Luzerne, KY. JV and a lot of the other folks mentioned in this blog pretended to be my friend for quite some time while I lived in Muhlenberg County. I grew up in church with the infamous Brian Bullock so I've known him longer than anyone else on the blog. My Dad is the legendary Billy Faith. You can usually find him driving a forklift or giving people useful advise in the garden center at the Wal-Mart in Central City. I went to elementary school and middle school with some of you and high school with most of you. As a matter of fact, my first day of school at Muhlenberg North High School, I sat with Sizzler and Dozer. Those were the days. I could go on and on about things like skiing down town hill in Greenville in the ice storm years ago in the blueby with JV, Clay, Deh Beh, The Git, Todd Boggess, and probably a few others that I can't remember right now immediately followed by a shopping cart crashing contest between the celeb and the blueby in the Kroger/Kmart parking lot. I have a beautiful wife and 2 beautiful children that I spend most of time with when I'm not working.

Since moving to AL, I have become a die hard Alabama Football fan. I'm still an avid Wildcat Basketball fan as well. I like reading the blog to keep me up to date on the happenings of the Wildcats. I root for KY when they play AL in basketball but root for AL when they play KY in football. So since we're talking about the Cats and the Tide, this past Saturday was probably the best day for all Wildcat and Tide fans across the country. How sweet it is to have the Tar Heels come to Lexington and lose for a change. And finally the Crimson Tide get back to their historic winning ways and have a chance at their 13th national title. For those of you who don't know, the Tide rolled into Atlanta and handed Florida and Tebow the worst beating Florida has had in 3 seasons to win their 22nd SEC football title and will play Texas for the national championship on Jan 7th. It should be a classic game. The Longhorns have never been beaten by the Tide. The standing record is 7-0-1. They last played in the Cotton Bowl in 1982 I think. We hope to make all that change Jan. 7th at the Rose Bowl. As much as I like the fact that Bama is playing for the BCS championship, I hate the BCS system. In the words of our President, it's time for a play off system. I am NOT an Obama fan for the record, but I have to agree with him on this and his feeling that Kanye West is a jacka$$. Every other college sport has a playoff and I don't understand why football should be any different. I wanted to do a poll question on 2 things, but since I'm so new at this, I don't know how so I'll just ask the questions and you can feel free to answer in the comments.
*******I have added these polls to the top of the blog as a favor to our new blogger. Surprised to have to do that, Faith has always been pretty good at handling his own poll******jv, I'll be here all week!!!!!!

1. What would you like to see in College Football to decide a National Champion?
a. change nothing, I like the BCS system
b. keep the BCS and play a plus one game
c. full bracket playoff
d. I could care less, I hate football

2. Who should win the Heisman Trophy?
a. Colt McCoy- Texas Quarterback
b. Tim Tebow- Florida Quarterback
c. Toby Gerhart- Stanford Running back
d. Mark Ingram- Alabama Running back
e. Kellen Moore- Boise State Quarterback
f. I could care less, I hate football.
******I've changed the Boise State QB to Ndamukong Suh since he was actually invited to the presentation******jv

In closing I'd like to say there was nothing more satisfying than seeing Tebow cry after the beat down at the Georgia Dome. In all honesty, I've tried to hate Tebow but he makes that very hard to do. I believe he's a good role model and possibly the best college football player ever. He has more drive and will to win than any other athlete I've seen in college sports. I'm not sure he'll be near as successful in the NFL but I'm sure we'll find out. The reason I say I was glad to see him cry is because that meant my team won. That's all for now. I look forward to posting again soon. I'll try to put some pictures of Saturday's game on this post if I can figure out how.