After receiving loads of hate mail, I have elected to delete the picture of "Baby Maholli" peeing in his cereal. We here at the Revolting Blog never meant any harm and did not mean to offend anyone. We only intend to offend Kendall Smith on purpose. Anyone else who is ever offended by a blog post or picture I can assure you it was an accident. Actually sometimes we will intentionally throw a diss at Grant Sharp or Maholli, hence the piss filled cereal fiasco that inspired this post. I realize that many women across this great state of ours, and possibly even nation wide, have had many nightmares about seeing a naked "Baby Maholli". However, I don't think the blog has enough bandwidth to accommodate the millions (and millions) of Maholli's fans had I posted a picture of a naked "Adult Maholli". Also, the naked "Adult Maholli" pictures aren't nearly as entertaining because he quit peeing in his cereal about 4 years ago. Therefore, I went with the baby and in doing that I have set off a blog world firestorm. Better forecasts are on the horizon, the pic is gone. Good day!!!!!!
Does anyone else find it ironic that after years of drinking urine/milk cocktails that the only thing that can come out of Maholli's mouth is a load of crap? Weird stuff.
Just kidding Maholli. You know we love you, we just hate hearing about the filthy Cards. You're a lot more fun to talk to when the Cats are the better team. Go Cats!!!!!!