Maddie said to me Friday night, "Dad, when can we make some more videos for the computer?". I asked what she had in mind and when she said she wanted to say something to Git again I told her we could do it immediately. She said, "I wanna call him a jujoni again". So, I once again taught her the correct pronunciation of the word and we made a few videos. She also wanted to tribute the Deh Beh, which you will see in tomorrow's video. Later in the week I will post the outtakes, and there are plenty. It takes her a few tries to get a good take, but she's getting better. Dissing Kendall Smith comes naturally to any Vinson, she's just been hit with a lot of unfamiliar words to get the job done appropriately. Enjoy, and feel free to email me videos of your own that you may have saved of quality Git dissing. I'm sure my family isn't the only one that does it. I would love to post your's too!!!!!!